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PELOCKnt v2.04
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____________________ PELOCKnt v2.04 *For non-commercial use only*
____________________ PELOCK.nt.Console
____________________ Version 2.04
____________________ Copyright (C) :MARQUIS:DE:SOIRÉE:
____________________ All rights reserved
____________________ 04/07.98
____________________ Updates: http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/tigris/26/
0. Documentation
1. Description
2. Requirements
3. Features
4. Options
5. Error Values
6. Development
7. What's new
8. Sidenote
9. Q & A
10. Revision
11. Greetings
12. Registration
13. Address
14. Epilog
____________________ 1. Description
PELOCKnt is designed to protect ANY Windows NT4/5 or Windows 95/98 EXE
and DLL file against reverse engineering and patching. Basically it will
crypt all objects of a PE (Portable Executable) file leaving it executable.
Such a crypted file is compatible to all PC's, very fast and strong.
I added a lot of new features like the dynamic ImportTableLoader,
full DLL support, 32-bit Virus protection, various debugger protections
and much more to keep PELOCKed files modern and as secure as possible.
Other packer often work well with small files too. But do you ever tried
to pack/crypt large files like excel.exe? While some packer needs forever
like WWPack32 (you can go drink a coffee in the meantime) or sometimes fail
with a nice General Protection Fault, PELOCKnt will crypt the file instead
fast and reliable in a few seconds.
PELOCKnt was successful tested with nearly every sort of 32 bit files:
GUI applications like EXCEL.EXE or AGENT.EXE, DLL's like MFC42u.DLL,
MSVBVM50.DLL and CONSOLE programs like LINK.EXE. It seems to be as
compatible as possible now.
PELOCKnt itself is a Windows Console program running in a DOS-Box. If you
wan't to know what's NEW in v2.04 please read section 7.
____________________ 2. Requirements
WINDOWS NT4/5 or 95/98 and some EXE- or DLL-files you want to protect.
____________________ 3. Features
- Protect any Windows 32-bit Portable EXE & DLL file, leaving it executable.
- Full support for Windows NT4, NT5, W95, W98 and SoftIce.
- Crypting EXE & DLL files up to 64 MB in seconds.
- 32-bit Virus protection.
- Protecting all PE.objects against reverse engineering or patching.
- Integrated ImportTableLoader support imports by name and ordinal.
- Integrated RelocationTableLoader supports any imagebase.
- Up to 50% faster 32-bit crypting compared to the former version.
- BPX protection.
- Generic API.Hook protection.
- Generic File.Tracer protection.
- Support for EXE files with Export Directory Table.
- TLS (Thread Local Storage) auto handling.
- Hiding .object names.
- DAR DLL.Auto.Recognition
- APC Anti.Procdump.Code
- User.options to protect any crypted file against SICE and NTICE.
- Generic 32-bit CRC selfprotection against viruses, file manipulations,
or decrypting errors. If the CRC32 check fails PELOCKnt will display a
window and than close the protected program to prevent a datalost. A
General Protection Fault INSIDE PELOCKnt is almost impossible.
The failure can be caused by:
a) Virus or FileManipulations (check with your antivirus program)
b) Strange TLS values (try to protect the file with option -Xy)
c) external packer/protector (do you used other packers too?)
d) internal crypting failure (wait for an update)
- ...and much more.
(Technical infos in PERULES.TXT)
____________________ 4. Options
PELOCKnt.exe File2Crypt.exe [-options]
■ Options: -A0 API protection against winice BPX OFF (default=ON)
-B0 Create BACKUP file .org OFF (default=ON)
-V0 32-bit CRC VIRUS check OFF (default=ON)
-N reNAME/hide objects to PELOCKnt OFF (default=ON)
-C Crypt .CODE section ONLY ON (default=OFF)
-K KILL generic Win9x tracer ON (default=OFF)
-W1 NAGSCREEN if winice found (NT/W95/W98) ON (default=OFF)
-W2 EXIT program if winice found ON (default=OFF)
-W3 HANGUP windows if winice found ON (default=OFF)
-Xy eXclude PE.object No.y from protection (e.g. X3)
-? Display only fileinfos, don't crypt it
-T"text" Displays a USER-defined TEXT inside a MessageBox
Example: PELOCKnt.exe excel.exe (for full protection of excel.exe)
PELOCKnt.exe myprog.exe -T"Get full version at www.mypage.com!"
-A0 Don't terminate the program if any API function of the protected file
is hooked.
-A1 DEFAULT, close the program if any API function of the protected program
is hooked by a debugger.
Some words about option A: by default calc.exe would work normal
as long as you don't hook (bpx) any API which calc.exe uses. Let's
assume you protected it without any option "pelocknt calc.exe". Inside
winice you disabled all breakpoints "bd *", than calc.exe would just
run as normal as before.
You know one of the API's calc.exe uses is: CheckDlgButton. If you
hook this API by "bpx CheckDlgButton" and try to execute calc.exe
again it would just terminate.
But if you apply option -A0 "pelocknt calc.exe -a0" calc.exe would
even execute normal if you hooked API's like "bpx CheckDlgButton".
Sidenote: A few API's belonging to PELOCKnt itself can't be hooked
with BPX or PELOCKnt will terminate.
-B0 Will prevent PELOCKnt from creating a backup copy of the file you
want to protect.
-B1 DEFAULT, create a backup copy of the original program called .ORG.
If .ORG already exists PELOCKnt will NOT overwrite it, but skip the
backup process.
-C This option is almost never needed, but if a protected file refuse to
work or crash try to crypt the CODE only "pelocknt program.exe -CA0NB".
-N By default PELOCKnt will overwrite any crypted .object name with his
own name to hinder analysing and unpacking. If you use option -N all
.object names are preserved.
-V0 By default the 32-bit CRC selfprotection of PELOCKnt protected files
is activated with -V1 (Virus check ON). There is NO reason to deactivate
it with -V0, that's why I might remove this option in furure versions.
Instead you should use only the option -Xy to find the object, which
can't be handled correct by PELOCKnt.
-V1 DEFAULT, 32-bit selfprotection enabled.
-W0 DEFAULT, no winice checks.
-W1 "pelocknt calc.exe -w1" would not prevent program execution if you have
winice loaded but display a Nagscreen "You would never see this without
a debugger in the background". After you press OK calc.exe works 100%
-W2 Check either for softice95 or softiceNT and exit the program if the
debugger is present.
-W3 Hangup windows if softice is present (NT and 9x).
-Xy DEFAULT is -X0. This option is like -V0 for experts only and should be
used almost never (I might remove it soon). The default option -X0
protects all possible objects.
Only a number between -X1 and -X9 can be applied.
A few files have strange entries pointing to a object which should
NOT be crypted. If PELOCKnt would crypt such a object, the internal
CRC32 virus check handles this anyway and close th